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The Accounting Study Program was established on June 10, 2004, according to SK DIKTI No. 2018/D/T/2004 under the auspices of the Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (FISE) Yogyakarta State University (UNY). Currently, the accounting study program is one of the study programs at the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (FE UNY). Based on the SWOT analysis, the Accounting Study Program prepares a vision as a future plan which is an elaboration as well as a strategic step to realize the vision of the university and faculty. The vision and mission of the study program are prepared through a mechanism that is consistently in line with the vision and mission of the university and faculties, as well as the objectives of the study program referring to the goals of the university which are derivatives of the mission that has been formulated. The vision that is prepared is futuristic, challenging and motivating all members of the academic community, realistic, and consistent with the university's vision.
The references used are sources of information that are believed to be academically strong, including: Minutes of departmental meetings, results of curriculum review workshops as well as a review of the study program vision and mission through departmental meetings (lecturer council), curriculum workshops, strategic plans and laws and regulations which is related. The parties involved include permanent lecturers, student representatives, guest lecturers, alumni and partners from both educational institutions and the business and industrial world.
To realize the vision, under the direction of the Head of the Accounting Education Department of FISE UNY, the Head of the Study Program describes the vision into the mission, strategy, goals, objectives, and operational activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which will be carried out by the manager of the study program, such as the Head of the Study Program, the head of the study program. laboratories, supervisors for student activities, lecturers as academic staff, and administrative staff.
The elaboration of the vision of the study program is directed at the creation of quality education and teaching, active participation of lecturers in research activities, publication of scientific works, community service, and other active participation in a directed and sustainable manner that is able to facilitate the Study Program to produce graduates who are conscientious, competent, and competent. entrepreneurial spirit.
Accounting Education Department
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Karangmalang Campus Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62 274 586168 ext. 296, 825 || 0274 554902
Fax: 0274 554902
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