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Program Educational Objective
The Accounting Study Program produces graduates who become Bachelor’s in accounting who have technical competence and professional skills as well as values, ethics and behavior that are in accordance with national and international accounting education standards to be able to contribute to the development of Indonesia and the global community.
Program Objective (PO) and Learning Program Objective (PLO)
The program objectives of the Accounting Study Program are structured as follows:
- PO 1: Produce graduates who are devoted to God Almighty, have noble character and national personalities.
- PO 2: Produce graduates who are entrepreneurial, adaptive, creative, innovative, and responsive in facing the demands of the global world.
- PO 3: Produce graduates who have the ability to critically analyze accounting issues and are skilled at communicating them scientifically.
- PO 4: Produce graduates who have the ability to develop accounting science and applicable technology in the accounting field whose application can be used to improve the quality of science and community welfare.
The program learning outcomes of the Accounting Study Program are structured as follows:
- PLO-1: Internalize values, norms, and academic ethics, the spirit of independence and entrepreneurship as well as the attitude of responsibility based on Pancasila and piety to God Almighty.
- PLO-2: Able to present accounting information comprehensively both manually and computerized.
- PLO-3: Able to use information technology to analyze accounting information for decision making.
- PLO-4: Able to communicate the results of the accounting information analysis both orally and in writing.
- PLO-5: Mastering basic business concepts and knowledge in solving business problems.
- PLO-6: Using accounting concepts and knowledge in solving accounting problems.
- PLO-7: Understanding various knowledge related to research in accounting.
- PLO-8: Able to conduct research independently in solving procedural problems and accounting scientific problems.
- PLO-9: Able to present management information as a basis for decision making
- PLO-10: Able to analyze and interpret management information as a basis for selecting various alternative solutions in solving managerial problems both independently and in groups.
- PLO-11: Understanding the concepts and theories of entrepreneurship.
- PLO-12: Able to identify, collect, and analyze business opportunities.
- PLO-13: Able to carry out tasks in the accounting field according to the norms and guidelines for carrying out duties.
- PLO-14: Able to identify and analyze ethical issues in business and accouting contexts.
Accounting Education Department
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Karangmalang Campus Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62 274 586168 ext. 296, 825 || 0274 554902
Fax: 0274 554902
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