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QA Procedures
Evaluation and review of the teaching and learning process, including student assessments, is carried out by a quality assurance team formed based on the Rector Regulation of the Yogyakarta State University Number 41/2019 concerning the UNY Internal Quality Assurance System which is carried out every semester. The mechanism is, the auditor checks the completeness of the learning documents and the contents of the lecture minutes based on the question guidelines from the UNY Quality Assurance and Educational Development Institute (LPMPP). The results of the evaluation are submitted to the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Economics, UNY.
In addition, the evaluation of the teaching and learning process is also carried out by students on the teaching and learning process of lecturers in each subject through filling out the lecturer's performance questionnaire in the SIAKAD system of UNY at the end of each semester. Evaluation of the teaching and learning process of lecturers by students is coordinated by the Quality Control Group, and the results will be given to each lecturer. In addition, the study program also receives evaluations from external parties, especially by alumni, employers, or third parties.
External evaluation is carried out all the time through the tracer study system by distributing questionnaires that are inputted on the page to external parties. The contents of the questionnaire contain information about the waiting period for alumni to get a job, the relevance of skills and knowledge of alumni to work, assessment of alumni's performance and professionalism in the workplace, as well as alumni involvement in the community. In implementing quality assurance, Yogyakarta State University uses the standards of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.
Accounting Education Department
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Karangmalang Campus Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62 274 586168 ext. 296, 825 || 0274 554902
Fax: 0274 554902
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