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Canva Training as an Interactive Learning Media for Teachers

The presence of technology has opened new opportunities for the community to gain access in various fields. Not only that, the integration of technology into the field of education is an adaptive step in supporting learning. Teachers who spearhead education utilize digital technology as learning tools in optimizing the quality of learning. Various platforms that are available as a variety of learning technologies can be utilized by educators in meeting learning needs. On the other hand, the representation of the use of technology in education and learning requires a stimulus to be able to understand in detail. This role can bring new initiatives to hold activities in the form of Canva Training as an Interactive Learning Media for Teachers of SMKN 7 Yogyakarta. The stimulus for improving the quality of learning in the classroom through this training was initiated by Lecturers from Yogyakarta State University named Arif Rahman Hakim, Yolandaru Septiana, and Merinda Noorma Novida Siregar.
This Canva training activity was attended by teachers of SMKN 7 Yogyakarta and carried out offline with the hope of being able to create interactive learning media. The existence of knowing every particular objective provides a positive form in organizing this activity. The stimulus received by educators is in the form of material on the concept of learning media as well as tips and tricks using designs from Canva. In addition, the practice of media development and technical explanations to hone skills in learning Canva can shape participants' understanding.
Participants were more enthusiastic about listening during the training activities. This is evidenced by the quality of material delivery to participants by 76.9% who feel that the material provided is of high quality to support learning. Furthermore, the response of participants who were satisfied with this training activity was able to support the creation of interactive media so that they were able to realize an intelligent Indonesia according to SDG's number four related.
Accounting Education Department
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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