The UNY team consisting of lecturers and several alumni achieved achievements at the international level. This team was led by a lecturer in the Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY, Dr. Ratna Candra Sari, M.Sc., CA., CFP., and consists of several lecturers; Dr. phil. Nurhening Yuniarti, M.T. (lecturer of FT UNY), Mimin Nur Aisyah, M.Sc., Ak. (FE UNY lecturer), Afrida Putritama, M.Sc., Ak. (FE UNY lecturer), Arin Pranesti, S.Pd., M.Sc. (lecturer of FE UNY). This...

Post date: 07/11/2022 - 14:42
Post date: 07/11/2022 - 14:40
The Accounting Study Program of FE UNY received a visit from assessors from LAMEMBA (Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting) Thursday to Friday (8-9/9). LAMEMBA assigned Prof. Dr. Hariyati, Ak., M.Sc., CA., CMA from the State University of Surabaya and Dr. Sylvia Fettry Elvira Maratno, S.E., S.H., M.Sc., Ak., CA. from Parahyangan Catholic University. Prior to this, the S1 Accounting study program had been accredited "A" by BAN-PT (National...
Post date: 07/11/2022 - 14:39
At the beginning of the odd semester of 2022/2023, the Faculty of Economics (FE) of UNY is going to use a lecture building that had undergone renovations in the last four months. Lectures in this semester will be delivered in a hybrid method, requiring the facilities to be ready. The lecture building was previously an old building and complained by students and lecturers because of its unsatisfactory condition. Therefore, for 4 months this building underwent renovation and was completed last...
Post date: 07/11/2022 - 14:35
The presence of technology has opened new opportunities for the community to gain access in various fields. Not only that, the integration of technology into the field of education is an adaptive step in supporting learning. Teachers who spearhead education utilize digital technology as learning tools in optimizing the quality of learning....
Post date: 07/11/2022 - 14:34
A team of lecturers from the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY visited the Faculty of Economics and Business Education (FPEB) UPI, Friday (5/8). The team led by the Dean Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd. consists of 17 lecturers. As stated in his opening remarks, Siswanto emphasized that this visit was intended to learn about the various steps taken by FPEB UPI in managing the faculty and at the study program level. In addition, this visit was also a return visit after previously the FPEB UPI delegation also...
Post date: 07/11/2022 - 14:33
Afifah Puspitaliza and Lisa Utari, two students of FE UNY, are studying for one semester at Kasetsart University in this even semester. Although the classes are still conducted online, both of them have been in Bangkok, Thailand since the end of last year. Ifah and Lisa, as they are usually called, are participants in the One Semester Scholarship Program for ASEAN Students: In Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of Kasetsart University (OSSPAS). This program gives them the opportunity to...
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Accounting Education Department
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Karangmalang Campus Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62 274 586168 ext. 296, 825 || 0274 554902
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