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Inauguration and Handover of Positions at UNY: FEB UNY Welcomes New Dean and Several Leaders, Continuing the Vision of FEB UNY

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held an inauguration ceremony, oath-taking, handover of duties, and rector's decree presentation on November 1, 2024, in the Main Meeting Room of the Rectorate. This event was directly led by the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., AIFO., and attended by leaders and academic community members who were present to witness the transfer of trust to several new leaders within UNY. Specifically, the transfer of trust also occurred in the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Department of Accounting Education.
After making significant contributions to the advancement of FEB UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., who previously served as the Dean of FEB UNY (2019-2024), has now received an official appointment as the Director of the General, Human Resources, and Legal Directorate of UNY. The position of Dean of FEB UNY is now held by Mr. Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., who previously served as the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni of FEB UNY. Additionally, FEB UNY has officially appointed Ms. Ani Widayati, M.Pd., Ed.D. as the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni, following her previous role as the Deputy Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business. Ms. Dr. Denies Priantinah, M.Si., Ak., who previously held the position of Head of the Accounting Education Department, has assumed the role of Deputy Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business. At the departmental level, specifically in the Accounting Education Department, Mr. Mahendra Adhi Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D., who previously served as the Coordinator of the S1 Accounting Study Program, has been appointed as the Head of the Department. Meanwhile, Mr. Dr. Ponty Sya'banto Putra Hutama, M.Si., Ak., CA., now serves as the Coordinator of the S1 Accounting Study Program.
The event then continued with the farewell and welcome ceremony for the Dean of FEB UNY in the afternoon. This event marks an important moment for the Faculty of Economics and Business, where Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., who has served as Dean for five years during the 2019-2024 period, handed over the leadership baton to Mr. Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., as the new Dean. During his tenure, Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd. made significant contributions to advancing the Faculty of Economics and Business through various innovations and improvements in educational quality. Mr. Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd., as the new Dean, is committed to continuing the leadership vision that has been initiated and bringing the Faculty of Economics and Business UNY to even greater achievements. He hopes that the synergy between lecturers, administrative staff, and students can become even stronger in achieving the goals of the faculty and university.
The faculty leadership, lecturers, and educational staff of FEB UNY attended the solemn and emotional farewell and welcome ceremony. One of the special moments was when the faculty representative, Dr. Rosidah, M.Si., and the educational staff representative, Dra. Sri Ningsih, M.Pd., shared their impressions and messages. Their impressions and messages were expressions of deep appreciation for Prof. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd.'s dedication and contributions during his tenure. They highlighted various achievements in improving academic quality, collaboration, attending to welfare, and creating a harmonious and professional work atmosphere. In addition, both expressed great hopes to Mr. Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd. as the new dean to continue the outstanding programs and lead the Faculty of Economics and Business towards greater achievements.
This momentum marks a new beginning for the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Accounting Education Department to advance further in achieving the vision and mission of UNY, FEB, and the Accounting Education Department as an excellent, creative, and sustainable university, faculty, and department at the national and international levels. We hope that the entire academic community will support the Faculty of Economics and Business at UNY in its efforts to produce competent and highly competitive generations, prepared to tackle global challenges. May the newly appointed leaders find ease and success in their duties, and may they lead the Accounting Education Department, FEB UNY, and UNY to even greater glory and prosperity. Amen.
Accounting Education Department
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Karangmalang Campus Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. +62 274 586168 ext. 296, 825 || 0274 554902
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